
singing & simple/short raps & lower harmonies OK
higher harmonies & longer raps negotiable
range E3 – G#5 languages I can sing in: Finnish, English, Japanese, Korean
additional languages I can voice act in: French, German, Swedish

Other Roles

currently none I am learning how to make videos and translyrics

Active Projects

Love Poem group covering K-pop songs in Japanese, focusing on SNSD

Upcoming Projects

currently none

Past Projects

Revontulet all-Finnish cast LOVE LIVE! cover group

Contact Info

YouTube Twitter Website
email: [email protected]



Name: Guiltia, stylized as GUILTIΛ
Alias: Guil, Guilt, Guilty

Age: unknown, appears to be in mid-twenties
Pronouns: they/them
Gender: non-binary
Gender-Appearance: androgynous / gender-nonconforming

Image Color: rose gold [#f2bdb2]
Character Symbol: a wilted red rose 🥀

Main Colors: peacock green [#0c4a4c], rose gold [#f2bdb2], vampire black [#080808], turquoise/teal [#35abbf], silver [#e6e6ee], deep magenta [#891134]
Themes: roses, foxes, chess pieces, tarot, magpies, peacocks, old books, northern lights, seven deadly sins
Style Inspirations: KAMIJO, Aoi Shouta, Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, the GazettE, Kimino Virus, Madmans Esprit, BUCK-TICK, Mana-sama, Dir En Grey

"2 MINUS 1" art by Mik


Skin: ivory [#fcf4ee]
Height: 172 cm (180-190 cm with heels)
Build: full rectangle body, flat chest

Face: diamond-shaped
Eyes: almond-shaped
Eye Color: deep magenta [#891134]
‒ occasional contact lenses of pale gold [#e9b86b] or lavender [#caa5c1]
‒ human-form eyes dark olive green [#556b2f]
Default Expressions: resting bitch-face, arrogant smirk


Length: mid-chest
Color: dark peacock green [#0c4a4c] with a peek-a-boo dyed layer of prussian blue [#003153] and a bit thinner layer of very dark magenta [#420943]; also has vampire black [#080808] highlights on the right side of the bangs and face
‒ human-form hair dark brown [#181008]
Default Style: straight bangs, hime cut side-bangs reaching 1-2 inches below chin, straightened

Default Outfit

‒ white Victorian inspired dress shirt
‒ rose-tinted white [#ffe4e1] ascot/cravat tie
‒ black, rose gold [#f2bdb2] and dark magenta [#4a0c1e] Victorian inspired jacket; ankle-length jacket with full-length sleeves
‒ black and dark magenta corset with rose gold detailing
‒ black trousers
‒ black leather knee-high, lace-up platform boots with heels

Casual Outfit

‒ black dress shirt with sleeves rolled up OR black t-shirt
‒ regular tie (only with dress shirt) of varying colors; either completely tied OR half-open
‒ silver [#e6e6ee] vest with darker [#584d5b] pattern OR grey [#e6e6ee] jean jacket
‒ black OR black and grey slim/regular fit jeans
‒ black high-heeled ankle boots

art by NINA

Please Note

‒ unless asked otherwise, use the deep magenta color for eyes.
‒ no overly feminine/revealing clothing unless asked.
‒ no neon/bright colors unless asked.
‒ visual kei stylized make-up looks are welcome, as well as varying hairstyles
‒ high-heeled shoes 95% of the time; preferably no stiletto heels; usually 8-12 cm
‒ color pick palette provided upon request



Guiltia focuses greatly on themselves, seeming completely uninterested in everything and everyone. Half the time their cold demeanor is mistaken for mysteriousness ‒ that is, until they open their mouth. Their manner of speaking is very blunt, often vulgar, and at times even insulting.
Guiltia is an extremely proud person, and they can get quite aggressive and hostile when confronted. Although they act cocky and arrogant, it's clear they don't like themselves for who they are, which stems from their low self-esteem and abandonement issues.
Guiltia is highly intelligent, and not above manipulating others to get what they want, rarely expressing doubt in their decisions. However they are not nearly as emotionless as they make themselves out to be, often letting their emotions get the best of them, or making emotionally charged choices.

